Top 5 Benefits of Flossing Teeth

Flossing is an important oral health habit that most of us forget to do when it comes to our nightly routine, however flossing is anything but optional.

While brushing is viewed as the norm, most dentists would recommend that you maintain a healthy regimen where you floss daily in addition to brushing twice daily.

Here are the top five reasons why you should back up your daily brushing routine with flossing.

Prevents Bad Breath

When we eat, food debris gets trapped between your teeth and in the gum line. This food may contain certain bacteria that cause an unpleasant odor and if left inside the mouth, and unless removed will remain trapped in between your teeth. With daily flossing, you can be assured that you will decrease the smelly odor from your mouth, while keeping your breath fresh and teeth free from unsightly food particles.

More Effective Than Brushing Alone

Brushing and flossing work together to give you the best oral health. If you only brush the outside of your teeth but forget to floss, it’s like washing the outside of your glass but leaving the inside dirty.

Did you know that up to 35{9f09320f667d4c06b011c33cbd5f998531690fa14585a4521401ddd724b9ed96} of your teeth’s surfaces remain uncleaned when you only brush and neglect flossing? That’s because the bristles of your toothbrush can only reach so far. Now unlike a toothbrush, dental floss is able to get in between those tight spaces between your teeth and gums, which allows for the removal of any food or bacteria.

Preventative Oral Care

Millions of bacteria and other germs can be found in your mouth, and no matter how well you brush, there will always be bacteria and micro-organisms getting trapped in between your teeth. This is especially true if you do not look after them by watching your diet and practicing proper oral care hygiene habits like brushing and flossing daily.

But when done properly, flossing helps to remove food debris and bacteria that prevents bacteria from building up micro-organic colonies in these areas. Regular flossing also disrupts the bacteria from turning into plaque, which is a sticky yellow coating that stains and damages your teeth over time.

Prevents Plaque and Tartar Build-Up

Plaque is a soft sticky substance that builds up on your teeth, containing millions of bacteria and doesn’t take long to build up. If this build-up is not removed, plaque can harden into tartar or into even more serious dental health issues such as tooth decay and gum disease. Daily flossing is the only way that will help remove plaque from between your teeth and prevent tartar formation at the gum line.

Prevents Gum Disease

Plaque does more than just stain your teeth and look unsightly; when you improperly care for your teeth, plaque will build up and lead to gum disease, which refers to the inflammation and infection of the gums.

As plaque slowly erodes your soft gum tissue, it causes periodontal disease, and with advanced cases, it can result in tooth decay and even tooth loss. The most effective and easiest way to help against any plaque build-up is to remove the bacteria at the base of the teeth – the most vulnerable point of the gums – through flossing!

At Dr. Joy Dental Clinic, we offer a wide range of preventative care services and specialized gum treatments by our Periodontists. If you’re interested in starting an effective oral care maintenance program, please Contact Us on 800-DRJOY (800-37569) at any time to book a consultation with one of our Doctors.

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